How To Deal With Loved One That Battling A Terminal Illness
One of the most horrifying experience is supporting a family member that has been diagnosed of an ailment that has no cure. When people are diagnosed with a terminal illness there is no cure besides learning to live with the condition. A terminal disease is a condition that has proved not to have any medication, and the patient is likely to die soon. All rather the only treatment that can be given to people that suffering from terminal diseases is being given medication and supplements to help them live their last days without the severe symptoms of the ailments. Although, there are compassionate providers that can help people that are battling terminal illnesses. These days there are various terminal ailments that people are suffering from, some of them are cancer, leukemia, HIV and many more.
People that have been diagnosed with terminal illness have to learn with the conditions. The problem is how to deal with the reality and accept that your loved one is going to die in a few days. It is even harder is how to face the person and live with them every day. There are suggestions that can help people to learn to deal with a family member that is facing the reality of terminal illness. One of the suggestion is that one should be ready to handle the personality changes of the patient. In most cases the patient may feel agitated because they are sure that they are soon going to die. People that are suffering from the terminal illness usually have mood swings, they can get mad at people for no apparent reason, they can regret. Therefore the best way to deal with a patient that is going through this kind of stressful situation is being patient with them. Trying as much as possible to be there for them any time they need us.
We should also set aside some time to be close to our loved them by seeing them more often. It is good to remember that they are living in their last days. Therefore if you are the person that would take many days before calling them before, its now time to call them frequently to recover the lost time. They should not be left to stay alone, they need to interact with others. Being social with others will help them to feel as they are wanted. Not being there for the patient makes them feel unloved, and this can even send them to the grave.
The third thing that can help a loved that is going through a terminal illness is by encouraging them to open up and talk. Talking makes them remember the good times they have lived in this world. People that have been diagnosed with a terminal illness may not accept the truth, and some may be in denial. Denial has its advantages because it helps them to cope with the situation expecting that things will change.